Race is usually tiptoed around in movies nowadays, with politically correct storylines, token colored people, and a careful eye to avoid slang and other stereotypical mishaps. Crash, on the other hand, takes almost every racially charged issue you can think of and moulds them all together to form a powerhouse crescendo of absolute truth and blatant representation of our world today.

Set in current day Los Angeles, the movie takes the lives of about 10 strangers who all become connected through their own racist acts. Written with a need to evoke emotion, the script finds a way to offend a large majority of people who live in America today. However, each character, while having a flaw, is given a fantastic moment of self-realization, and this is where the movie triumphs (ultimately giving it the Oscar nod for Best Picture). Understanding the duality of human nature and the acceptance of everything we interact with are two of the main themes of this movie, and they are wonderfully portrayed.

The simple fact that this movie won Best Movie should be enough to convince you to watch it, but if nothing else you have to see the performance of Michael Pena, a relatively unknown actor. You might literally pull your hair out at some parts of his story, and every line, every emotion, every second he is on-screen is portrayed in complete perfection, with not a single detail missed.

This movie will make you cringe, cry, laugh, and most importantly breathe a sigh of relief. Because what's most important about this movie is that it reminds us that no matter how hard we try, we cannot escape the fact that every single one of us is human.

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